National Inclusion Week
by Sian Wilkins

Sian Wilkins, Digital Executive and Nick McCrone, Media Executive:

Inclusion and diversity in the workplace are crucially important, and that’s no different here at Smithfield. Last week was National Inclusion Week, and we took part in a variety of exercises and workshops around our values and creating a better culture within the agency.
We worked on a variety of workshops – sharing our own stories of when we have experienced situations in the past where we haven’t felt included and the resolutions to this. This helps you to see a different aspect to people and help get to know how people operate better! We also ranked our core values and shared them as a group, so that we can embrace our similarities but also equally our differences.
In my opinion, inclusion is all about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of their background, race, gender, or any other characteristic.

So why does it help us? First of all, a diverse workforce brings together a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This can lead to more creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Different backgrounds and viewpoints can help generate fresh ideas and approaches to challenges.

Moreover, inclusion ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and succeed. When people feel comfortable being themselves at work, they’re more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. This fosters a positive work culture and boosts overall job satisfaction. The beauty of having a diverse workplace is that you can all have differing key values, but all come together and work towards a common goal.  

It’ll also hopefully allow us to attract and retain top talent. We want to create an environment whereby our employees feel valued members of the team and able to contribute freely.

Session 1
Our first session in National Inclusion Week began with two of the Directors sharing their personal stories with us. It was eye-opening to see the values that drive them both, which helped me understand both of them more as individuals. After that, we started swapping stories ourselves. It was interesting to learn more about our unique backgrounds and values, and this exercise allowed us to connect on a deeper level. National Inclusion Week really got off to a good start as we learned more about each other and what makes us tick.
The session taught me the immense value of empathy, seeing things from different perspectives, and understanding how our daily experiences intersect. It’s not about just getting along; it’s about understanding our differences and recognising our shared values. The team exercise where we openly shared our experiences and values was insightful. It deepened our understanding of one another, and it was lovely to see everyone both listen and share.
Session 2
In our second National Inclusion Week session, we all got together to watch Pixar’s ‘Purl.’ It’s a charming short film about a ball of yarn trying to fit into a workplace – a quirky and creative take on the minority experience at work. I found it so interesting how something as light as a Disney animation could make us think about such an important topic. It’s a film that can really give a fresh perspective on the experiences of others and highlight the value of empathy, compassion, and open-mindedness

One of the things that struck me the most about the film was how it portrayed the idea that sometimes people feel compelled to change themselves or be less authentic just to fit in. It’s a powerful reminder that it shouldn’t be that way. In an inclusive workplace, everyone should be allowed to be themselves, without the need for anyone to compromise their personal values.
Session 3
In our third session, we explored our professional values together. We got to chat about which values really resonate with us. We discussed things in pairs and in larger groups which taught me a lot about the team.
What was good about this session was that we not only got to see what we all value as a team but also got to peek into each other’s unique values. It was interesting to see what drives us in our professional lives. I think it’s insightful to see what values we share and also a good way to celebrate our differences.

One of the things that struck me the most about the film was how it portrayed the idea that sometimes people feel compelled to change themselves or be less authentic just to fit in. It’s a powerful reminder that it shouldn’t be that way. In an inclusive workplace, everyone should be allowed to be themselves, without the need for anyone to compromise their personal values.
Session 4

In our wrap-up for National Inclusion Week, we all got together virtually to chat about what we’ve learned and how we’re going to make diversity and inclusion a bigger part of our company’s future. This week we found out we share a lot of personal and professional values, and it has been insightful to be more open and honest in a workplace environment.
It’s great to hear how as a company we’re committed to keeping this conversation going. Smithfield Agency are putting together a panel where we will regularly get together to share experiences, learn about allyship, and share ideas to make our company even more inclusive and diverse.
It’s also good to hear how the Culture Club will give us all an opportunity to dive into activities and events that help us explore diversity and experience different cultures. Inclusion is something that as an agency we won’t just focus on for this week, it’s the starting point for a longer journey ahead.

October 5, 2023

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